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Is Dehydration a Sign of Nursing Home Neglect?

Dehydration Could Be a Sign of Nursing Home AbuseResidents at nursing homes are entitled to a specific standard of care, which includes receiving nourishing food and fluids. One indication of nursing home negligence is dehydration. Dehydration is a disorder that may affect nursing home patients, and their families may be interested in learning more about it and how it may affect their allegations of nursing home mistreatment.

To maintain optimum health, nursing home patients must receive the right nourishment and hydration. Additionally, due to medications that induce dry lips or medical issues that make them thirstier, nursing home patients may require more hydration than usual. However, residents may find it challenging to make sure they are getting the appropriate fluids due to their own medical ailments or cognitive difficulties.

In this article, we’ll look at dehydration as a possible sign of nursing home abuse, as well as other signs of nursing home abuse to watch for. If you or a loved one are dealing with a possible case of nursing home abuse, be sure to seek out experienced Chicago nursing home abuse attorneys to get assistance with your case.


Dehydration Could Be a Sign of Nursing Home Abuse

Dehydration is defined as having insufficient water in the body, which interferes with how well the body functions. When a patient in a nursing home passes urine and doesn’t drink enough water to make up for the loss, dehydration occurs. Water is constantly being lost from the body through breathing, stools, urine, and perspiration. If these fluids are not restored, ultimately the body won’t have enough water to carry out essential biological functions.

Due to inadequate fluid intake, the senior nursing home patient is prone to have a specific set of symptoms and health issues while dehydrated. Some senior folks won’t have symptoms and won’t have a strong thirst desire. Even if they are not thirsty, these folks need to be urged to consume water and other liquids. Elderly residents in nursing facilities all around America frequently experience chronic dehydration. However, it may also be an indication of neglect.

Perhaps the most frequent sign of elder neglect among people residing in nursing institutions is dehydration. Dehydration in nursing home residents is frequently brought on by a number of factors that work together to exacerbate the situation.

One of the problems is the nursing home resident’s inability to communicate their need for water to others. Additionally, it’s probable that the nursing home patient won’t be able to express a precise fluid preference. Elderly persons who are unable to express their fluid preferences or requirements may be unable to communicate at all or may be hampered by mental issues.

Additional causes of dehydration in nursing home residents include poor monitoring of their drinking habits and a lack of personnel to assist them in drinking as much as they need to. The high rate of employee turnover among nurses employed by the nursing home is a contributing factor to this.

Additionally, support personnel for elderly residents is frequently overworked and under-supervised. As a result, nursing assistants could easily fail to provide their senior residents with sufficient fluids. Any of the aforementioned instances might be considered abuse or neglect.


Symptoms of Dehydration in Nursing Home Patients

Dehydration symptoms in the elderly may worsen with time. While certain symptoms depend on the nursing home resident’s particular age and physical make-up, the majority of the signs and symptoms of dehydration in the elderly are universal across cultures and people with various medical problems. Dry mouth, thirst, dry skin, inability to urinate, disorientation, and low blood pressure are a few signs of dehydration to watch out for.

Can I File a Lawsuit Against a Nursing Home for Chronic Dehydration of a Loved One?

It is certainly possible. If seniors do not get the necessary hydration, they may develop serious illnesses or even die. When a nursing home is to blame for a resident’s dehydration, the family may think about bringing a personal injury lawsuit against the institution in an effort to hold it responsible for its negligence.

Based on their contract, legislation, or industry standards, the nursing home has a variety of obligations to the nursing home patient. One obligation that the nursing home has is to ensure that patients receive appropriate hydration, particularly if the nursing home is aware that the resident requires more water due to a medical condition or other needs.

An experienced nursing home abuse attorney will be able to obtain records as part of the discovery process that reflects when the patient was receiving medical attention or aide visits. The attorney may be able to show that the patient didn’t have enough time with personnel to get these requirements satisfied if there are significant gaps between these visits.

Establishing a link between the breach by the nursing home and the resident’s dehydration is key to the success of the lawsuit. The nursing facility may counter that the resident’s underlying illness was to blame for his or her dehydration.

Regardless of any path you take to prove a breach of duty and causation, you should always retain a nursing home lawyer who can build a strong case. Contact a skilled nursing home abuse attorney at Drake & Collopy, P.C., if your loved one suffered from dehydration while in a nursing home and you believe it was due to the facility’s negligence.


Personal Injury Attorneys Can Get You or Your Loved One the Justice and Compensation You Deserve After Nursing Home Abuse

Neglect and abuse in nursing homes is a serious issue that frequently goes unreported. Families put their confidence in long-term care institutions to give their loved ones the finest care possible, yet this trust is all too frequently violated. Serious injuries frequently result from nursing home staff members failing to uphold their legal obligations to respect and care for their residents.

Have you suffered harm as a result of abuse or negligence at a nursing home? If so, it’s crucial to speak with an experienced lawyer who can assist you in seeking justice. With years of expertise in assisting residents and their families to hold negligent nursing institutions accountable, the Chicago nursing home attorneys at Drake & Collopy, P.C., can help. Contact us by calling (312) 345-0220.

How was our guide to understanding dehydration as a sign of nursing home neglect? Don’t forget, if your loved one is being abused or neglected in a nursing home, contact our legal team at Drake & Collopy, P.C. for a free consultation today.

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